
Elk mt
Elk mt

Trains are quite numerous in this area and can be extremely long and extremely slow. Timing is critical when ascending or descending this mountain. Lodging is also available in Essex at the Izaak Walton Inn. The Bob Marshall is one of the few areas in the country where you can rifle hunt elk during the rut. We then offer rifle elk hunts in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Summit Campground is located further east on Hwy 2 very close to Marias Pass. All of our Montana elk hunts require more or less rigor and we offer elk hunting in three distinct seasons: Our season starts with archery elk hunting. Lift ticket information, trail map and everything you need to know about the resort. Devil Creek is located off of Hwy 2 a couple of miles west of the mountain. Everything you need to know about Elk Mountain Ski Resort Ski Resort. Bring your insect repellent and your bear spray and make lots of noise! Camping/LodgingThere are two choices for camping located fairly close to Elk Mountain. Red TapeElk Mountain is located in Glacier National Park so all of those rules and regulations apply. Hike up the road to the trailhead which is clearly marked. There is private property at the end of the road and no parking. Follow the road to a defunct gravel pit on the right and park there. You will cross a small bridge on Hwy 2 just after passing Bear Creek Lodge on the north side of Hwy 2.at this point look for a small gravel road (#1066) and turn left on to that road leading into Fielding. Getting ThereElk Mountain is located 38 miles east of West Glacier just north of Hwy 2. There are also lots of rusty nails and some broken glass at the summit. Summit views are magnificent but we had to share them with many large flies and some sort of flying ant swarming out of the rocks in two different places. There is a large false summit at about 7000 om there the trail switchbacks up to the summit. There is virtually no level travel at all! There is another small stream crossing further up the mountainside. Be warned! Even though there is no climbing or scrambling on this particular trail.this trail would be brutal if the hiker is not in decent shape as it continually goes upward. You will pass through several stands of forest and meadows filled with wildflowers. The trail begins on the southwest side of the mountain and wraps around to the north. Follow the trail past the cabin where the Elk Mountain Trail intersects from the right. There is a small stream crossing (late July) a short way up the trail. Today, the ghost town stands as Montana’s smallest state park, and what remains of Elkhorn is in.

Elk mt windows#

Beginner Lift tickets are not available online but are available in person at our ticket windows on the day of your visit. It was abandoned in the 1970s, with only a handful of residents persisting into the 21st century. We are not limiting the number of tickets available. Turn left after crossing the tracks and you will soon be able to pick up the trail again to the right. Night (4:30pm - 9:00pm) Thursday thru Saturday. Take this trail to the RR tracks and cross them. Route InformationThe trail begins as the Fielding Coal Creek Trail and runs through private property. Views to the West are comprised of Great Northern Mountain and Mount Grant in the Great Bear Wilderness. Farther to the Northwest Mount Saint Nicholas can also be seen. Northerly views are dominated by Sheep Mountain and Brave Dog Mountain. Views to the Northeast are dominated by Little Dog Mountain. Elk Creek Adventures, Grass Range, Montana. While certainly not one of the Park's major mountains, this mountain proved to be an enjoyable hike and the summit views of the surrounding area are extremely rewarding. Turn right onto US-2 East and reach your final destination at 20.8 km.Elk Mountain TopoElk Mountain is located in the southern part of Glacier National Park.

elk mt

Run Wild Missoula is pleased to present the Mount Jumbo Elk Ramble. To get to Elk Mountain Trail from Essex, head northeast on Izaak Walton Rd/Izaak Walton Inn Rd toward US-2 West for 1.0 km. Dont miss the opportunity to take part in the only organized trail race on Mt. Getting to the Elk Mountain Trail Trailhead Find more epic hikes in Glacier National Park Take in the spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and when you are finished, head back the way you came as this is an out and back trail. Continue to ascend, and you will come upon the summit at 6.0 km. The hike begins at Fielding Coal Creek Trailhead, and you continue along here until you reach a set of train tracks at 1.6 km deep.Īt 1.1 miles in, you will see the Patrol Cabin, and just 0.2 km further will be the trailhead for Elk Mountain Trail. This is a popular trail among more experienced hikers as it is a steep incline all the way to the summit.

Elk mt